Invest in a house rental venture that guarantees a large potential market from the working class of Calamba and other nearby areas and locators of FTPC and other industrial parks.
La Brisa Townhomes, which literally means “The Breeze” in Spanish, is the first townhouse development at Ciudad de Calamba that offers not just an affordable and quality home to families but also a worthy investment for those who would like to establish a “House for Rent” business. With its accessibility to industrial estates operating in the vicinity, it is a valuable venture for companies that provide housing privilege to employees.
Conceptualized to cater the residential need of the broad wage earners of Calamba City, La Brisa Townhomes is the most convenient address for a secured, friendly and refreshing community!
How to get there:
From Manila, take the Batino Exit at the South Exit at the South Luzon Expressway. As you exit, turn right then go straight until the end of the street (marked by Nestle). Turn left and just follow the road until you reach Ciudad de Calamba.
La Brisa is located at Ciudad de Calamba, Brgy. Punta, Calamba, Laguna.
• Batino Exit – 4.8 km
• CPIP – 4.8 km
• Llanas – 8.4 km
• Turbina – 10 km